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Horny Girl: When Are Women Horny & 26 Signs She’s Aroused Around You!

If you know the signs a girl is horny, you’ll know what moves to make. The signs might be subtle but they’re certainly there if you look hard enough! 

Horny girl - signs and when is a woman horniest

Ever heard of the popular saying, “When it comes to sex, men are like light switches while women are like car engines?” It implies that men are reliably ready for sex at any time of the day while women need to get warmed up. Well, it sounds like whoever came up with that saying can’t spot a horny girl.

The truth is most guys are totally oblivious to the signs a girl is horny in the first place! And if you ask them when are women horniest? Not a clue!

Contrary to the popular depiction of a sexually-aroused female which entails ripped clothes and a ridiculous amount of dirty talk, the telltale signs of a horny girl are sometimes subtle. They’re often not readily recognizable.

It’s not like she has a neon sign saying “I’m horny.” It’s something she feels and she’ll let you know if she wants you to be aware of it. But, you can learn the signs and get a head’s up. [Read: Times when women are at their horniest, and what you can do about it]

What does it mean to be horny?

You’ve been horny before, right? Well, it feels the same for a girl as a guy in many ways. Basically, you’re turned on, aroused, and you’re getting tingles in places that feel good!

Your brain also gets in on the action and you start having fantasies that you might want to act out. Of course, when you’re not horny, you might not even think about these things or want to try them, but in that moment? Oh yes!

If your horniness goes on for a while, you might have trouble sleeping, basically because sex is all you can think about.

And those sensations in your genitals? Yeah, they’re not going anywhere until you scratch your metaphorical itch. [Read: 21 secrets to be more sexual and fall in love with the sexy side of you]

What happens when a woman is turned on?

A horny girl is a sexually aroused girl! But what is actually happening during this process? And, when are women horniest?

Basically, when a woman is horny, blood flow to her genitals increases, making them extra sensitive. At this point, she becomes wet as extra lubrication forms in her vagina.

It’s hard for her to focus on anything and her nipples might become extra sensitive too. Her clitoris also swells and is even more sensitive than normal.

From a scientific point of view, the lubrication is about survival, not just because it feels good! This lubrication helps to reduce acidity and increase oxygen levels down there.

So, when sperm makes its way into the vagina, it’s got a better chance of survival. You might not be thinking about babies, but that’s what your body is doing!

[Read: 20 ways to build sexual tension with a girl and make her thirst for you]

Types, roles, and effects of female sex hormones on arousal

A common question is ‘when are women horniest?’ Well, it’s about hormones.

The main sex hormones present in the female body are estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Don’t be confused: yes, testosterone is the male sex hormone but women have it too, just a smaller amount!

These hormones all affect sexual arousal. For instance, when a woman’s estrogen levels are higher, this can make her feel more aroused and increases vaginal lubrication.

Progesterone also gets in on the party, and when that particular hormone is present, sexual desire is through the roof. Testosterone also affects libido.

When women are horniest often comes down to their menstrual cycle. At certain times within a cycle, these hormones will be higher or lower.

It’s common for women to feel more sexually aroused during ovulation when both estrogen and testosterone are high. [Read: What turns girls on? 65 emotional and sexual moves to arouse and seduce her!]

When are women horniest?

Remember, every woman is different. You can’t say for sure that every single woman on the planet will be feeling horny at a specific time! But generally speaking, these are key times for increased libido and when women are horniest:

1. Roughly 24 hours after ovulation, when estrogen and testosterone levels peak.

2. During the second trimester of pregnancy. Again, you’ve got hormones to thank for this.

3. During the weekend, probably because she’s feeling more chilled out. When women are horniest often comes down to feeling relaxed.

4. Toward the end of the follicular phase, i.e. first half of her menstrual cycle. [Read: Chemistry of love – how hormones make you feel love the way you do]

The subtle but very clear signs a girl is feeling horny around you

Of course, we’re all aware of the physical signs of female horniness. We’re talking about getting wet down under and perky nipples even if she’s not cold.

But in a casual setting, you probably won’t even notice.

Instead, learn to detect her subtleties. There are signs she’s letting you know that she wants you to explore the bedsheets with her. Let’s check out a few ways you can learn that a girl is horny when she’s around you.

But, do remember that you need to tick off a few points all at once to be sure. It’s very easy to mistake just one sign for horniness when it’s something else entirely!

Learning when women are horniest can help you, but remember, there isn’t a one size fits all answer here. [Read: 20 ways to build sexual tension with a girl and make her thirst for you]

1. She looks at you like a piece of well-done steak

Otherwise known as “eye sex” or “eye f*cking,” this type of flirting is her long-range strategy. It lets you know that she’s horny, or at least she’s willing to let you make a move on her.

You will notice that she will keep stealing seductive glances at you, wanting you to look back. And when you do, she’ll let herself get caught, blush, and she’ll then flash her “come hither” smile topped with the occasional lip bite. [Read: Lusty signs of sexual attraction when a girl likes you]

2. She’s a lot flirtier than usual

Okay, in this case, we assume that you’ve established at least a neutral type of relationship with her. You do the usual things that friends or acquaintances do, like hanging out and a little casual talk every now and then.

And then, for some reason, you notice that she’s flirtier and more teasing than usual. [Read: How girls flirt – 22 signs she’s flirting way more than just being nice]

3. She’s obviously touchy-feely

Another sign that a girl is horny is when her hands travel to places where they usually don’t. This doesn’t mean that she’ll grab your crotch immediately though.

Her touching could be subtle yet a ritualized invitation for you to do the same to her, and she’s telling you that she won’t mind.

She’ll stroke your arm while listening to you intently. Perhaps she’ll stroke the side of your face. It could be that she brushes an invisible piece of dust off your shirt.

Basically, any type of touching that she doesn’t normally do is touchy flirting. Along with other hints, it’s one of the signs for how to tell if a girl is feeling horny. [Read: How to kiss a friend and the subtle ways to get them to want to do it]

4. Your conversations are kinkier than usual

If she’s asking way too many personal questions or leaving suggestive remarks in the middle of your conversation, it could be a sign that she’s into you sexually. Verbal teasing is a dead giveaway that she’s horny.

Usually, women are notorious for using subtle and indirect signals. If she’s being more vocal about her desires, it means that her needs are so urgent that she’s being direct.

She might do this by making sexual double entendres in the middle of an otherwise normal conversation. Perhaps she’ll mention her preferred sexual positions and past sexual encounters, or ask you about your own past sexual experiences. [Read: 20 subtle, arousing questions to ask a girl and make her really wet]

5. She tells you how good you look

In a normal situation, this behavior could just be mere flirting. But if she’s sexualizing everything you do, then it’s another story.

In every man’s subconscious, being sexually complimented is a secret fantasy. It’s true—most guys want to be chased and hit on by lots of women.

If she’s telling you that you look hot, while exhibiting the other signs here, that’s a pretty good sign she’s feeling horny. [Read: Decoding compliments – 50 cute words and their true meanings]

6. She appears a bit uneasy around you

Female arousal comes with various biological mechanisms. These include increased heart rate and heavier breathing, creating a certain degree of discomfort, and hence, the reason why she says that she feels “hot.”

So let’s say that you’re on a date and she constantly shifts about in her seat while keeping her gaze at you.

She’s playing with her hair or keeps going to the ladies’ room to freshen up. It could mean that she’s into you and wants to get the best of your attention. [Read: How to get a girl horny and wet just by casually sitting next to her]

7. She flaunts her best assets to you

You’ve seen this before—the untying the hair clip, stooping down when talking to you to let you see her cleavage, wearing that V-neck with a push-up bra or yoga pants, or fixing herself up for you even in a casual meet-up. It could only mean that she’s locked into you.

She’ll present herself in her most attractive form in your presence. This means that every detail is carefully considered, from her outfit down to her perfume. [Read: 30 sexy moves to seduce a woman and make her want to get into bed with you]

8. She lets you touch her and she’s comfortable

This could be described as the dead giveaway prior to the point of no return. Girls, even the most flirty ones, are very sensitive to unwelcome touching.

So if she lets you touch her, then there is no need for further explanation because you know what comes next.

Be careful though, and start carefully. Don’t just slide your hand inside her blouse unless you want a deserved slap. Make it more romantic in order to build sexual tension for the both of you. [Read: 28 subtle, seductive ways to touch a girl and arouse her and make her want more]

9. She moves in an obviously sexy way

She probably doesn’t walk with her hips swaying all the time. So if she’s amplifying that hip sway and turning around to check that you’ve noticed, it can only mean one thing. The same can be said for dancing.

Most women wiggle a little when they’re dancing. But, if she pulls you close and grinds against you, it’s pretty likely that she’s feeling less calm and a little horny.

10. Her voices changes

This one might sound odd. No, she’s not suddenly going to turn into Darth Vader when she talks, but you will notice a change. It’s likely that her voice will be lower, breathier, and she’ll just sound different.

Her breathing will be more shallow than it usually is, which is why her voice has that sexy, breathy edge to it. It’s something you’ll need to pay real attention to if you want to notice it, but it’s one of the big signs a girl is horny. [Read: How to touch a girl’s breasts and feel her up for the first time]

11. She’s distracted and perhaps agitated

She’s so horny that she can’t think straight. That’s a good sign, right?

She’ll show you this by appearing totally distracted and perhaps even a little agitated. It’s very difficult to focus on anything else when you’re majorly turned on. That’s where she’s at right now.

Of course, she could be annoyed about something and that’s why she seems distracted. That’s why, when learning how to tell if a girl is feeling horny, you need to look for more than one sign. [Read: She wants the D – 24 signs she wants to spend the night with you]

12. She blushes around you

Now, she could just be a bashful kind of girl, but it could also mean that she’s feeling turned on and is either a little embarrassed about it or she can’t control her blushes!

It’s all down to the increased blood flow that happens when we’re turned on. So, is she blushing?

13. She dresses up in sexy outfits

No, we’re not talking about sexy maid or nurse outfits, we’re talking about deliberately looking her best and showing off her figure to you.

If she normally wears sweats or doesn’t make a huge effort and then suddenly she’s rocking her best threads, it’s a very possible sign you’ve got a horny girl on your hands!

[Read: How to look hot – 24 sexy tips to go from boring to irresistibly desirable!]

14. She’ll look at your lips when you talk

Lips aren’t just biological things that are there for a reason, they’re pretty sexual things too. If she’s gazing at your lips, it’s very likely that she’s imagining what it is like to kiss them and perhaps feel them in other places too.

If she bites her lip regularly, well, bonus points!

15. She makes out with you

Remember that if she makes out it doesn’t necessarily mean she wants sex, but it’s a sign that she’s feeling something tingly. Therefore, if you notice this sign with several others, it’s quite possible that she’s horny and is looking to take things further.

Move slowly though—you have to be sure. [Read: How to make out – 22 secrets to leave anyone moaning in your arms]

16. She arches her back when you kiss

This might seem odd, but if she arches her body when you kiss, she’s basically pressing her body into you. It’s a sign she wants you to feel every inch of her and she’s showing you that she’s turned on.

This is one of the signs a girl is horny that is pretty subconscious—she probably doesn’t even know she’s doing it.

17. Her breath will speed up

It will be subtle, but if you notice that she’s a little breathless and you can tick off a few other signs too, it’s possible that you’ve got a horny girl in your midst!

Slightly faster breathing is a physical sign of sexual arousal, and while she won’t be panting or gasping for breath, you will notice the change. [Read: 23 intense signs of unspoken mutual attraction between two people]

18. She fidgets while talking to you

When she’s talking to you, does she seem distracted? Does she keep touching her neck, waist, or hair? Or, is she looking at you intently and doing these things? These are all scenarios that tell you a girl is turned on, especially if she’s biting her lip too.

19. She uses nicknames

No, we’re not talking about jokey nicknames, but sexual ones; nicknames that imply something else. It’s her way of teasing you, and again, if you can notice a few other signs a girl is horny too, it should confirm your initial suspicions. [Read: 75 cute pet names for couples and how to pick nicknames for each other]

20. She wants to drink with you

Now, be careful with this one. A girl having a drink with you does not mean that she’s horny and wants to take things further. But if she’s suggesting a drink and showing you several other hints, it’s a major possibility.

We all know that a drink or two often helps to loosen inhibitions, and perhaps that’s what she’s implying.

21. She wants to go to your place

Again, it might be that she’s tired and wants to watch a film, so be sure to check the other signs before making a move. However, most girls don’t suggest going back to a guy’s place without at least some intention.

Move carefully with this one, but bear it in mind. [Read: Sleeping over 101 – How to make things run smoothly]

22. She’s curious about unimportant things

This one might sound odd too. But if she’s asking lots of questions and flirting with you at the same time, perhaps fidgeting, making eye contact, and biting her lip, she’s just trying to prolong the conversation. She’s trying to get over to you that she’s thinking about more than what you’re saying.

Of course, she could just be a chatty kind of girl, but when you add in other signs, it could mean that she’s feeling hot.

23. She does everything to invade your private space

Most of the time, we know to respect someone’s personal space and we don’t think about getting too close in case they get the wrong idea. However, if a girl is doing all she can to get right into your space, ask yourself why.

She’s trying to tell you that she wants to be a whole lot closer, and it’s one of the key signs a girl is horny. [Read: How to make a guy horny and rock hard just by sitting next to him]

24. She turns into a giggly, clumsy girl

She can’t focus so she turns all clumsy and starts giggling about it. Of course, a bashful girl can simply be that—a cheeky and giggly girl—but again, check the other signs. It could be that she’s so turned on she can’t actually think straight!

25. She gives you a sneak preview

This is pretty obvious, isn’t it? If she’s basically showing you that she’s turned on by giving you a quick peek of what might be to come, she’s obviously a horny girl! [Read: Lingerie selfie – How to perfect the art of foreplay from afar]

26. She comes right out and tells you

Of course, if she just says “I’m so horny,” or “you turn me on,” that’s all the hard work done for you. It’s a dream scenario because it means you don’t have to worry about reading the signs correctly.

If she tells you this, ask her if she wants to go home. You always have to ask, because let’s be honest, someone feeling horny and actually wanting to do something about it are two different things. [Read: 35 dirty things to say to a girl to leave her wet with desire]

What to do when a woman is horny

Now you know when women are horniest and all the signs to look for, what should you do about it?

Firstly, you have to be sure. Don’t just think that she’s feeling horny because you nodded along to one or two signs. You need at least a handful and even then, it’s not totally confirmed.

Plus, we know that just because someone is feeling tingly down below doesn’t mean they’re going to want to jump into bed with you.

So, you first have to acknowledge what she’s doing. You can repeat it back to her by saying something like, “you’re fidgeting a lot there, are you okay?” with a cheeky grin.

Or if she’s getting very close to you and invading your personal space, mention that she’s super close to you. [Read: 26 secrets to make the first move on a girl and get her to start liking you]

This tells her that you’re noticing her signs and if they’re unintentional, she’ll probably back off. If they’re not, she might move even closer.

Then, you can start to confidently escalate the situation. But always be clear about what she wants by asking her. Consent is important. She’ll feel comfortable with you because you asked and that will make the experience much more fulfilling for the both of you.

[Read: Having sex with someone new for the first time? 17 must-follow rules]

A horny girl will give off these signs like a trail of rainbows to let you know that she’s feeling hot and wants you. So, what are you going to do about it?

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Vinod Srinivas Serai
Vin Serai
Vin Serai is the founder of LovePanky.com, and has delved deep into the working of love and relationships for almost two decades. Having dipped his feet in almo...