Reads for Women

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Weak & Strong Men: What It Means & 56 Signs of a Weak Man in a Relationship

Are you with a guy who is frustrating you on a daily basis? If you are, then you need to know the signs of a weak man in a relationship.

90 VERY Funny Compliments You Can Use to Flirt, Flatter & Make Them Laugh

Everyone loves a compliment. Whether you’re telling someone they’re cute, smart, or sexy, compliments are fun. But, funny compliments are always a winner!

husband material

Husband Material: 31 Signs to Split a Boyfriend You Date & A Man You Marry

Out of all the guys in the world, some are husband material and some aren’t. Maybe he’s just not ready yet, or maybe he’s prime for the picking!

how to let a guy know he can touch you

The Subtle Moves & Consensual Steps to Let a Guy Know He Can Touch You

You’ve got a new crush and you want to be touched by him. But how? Tell him, of course! Use these communication tactics to let a guy know he can touch you.

random interesting questions to ask a guy

85 Interesting, Random Questions to Ask a Guy to Break the Awkward Silence

You’re talking to a guy and… you run out of things to say. Yikes, right? With these random questions to ask a guy, you’ll never run into awkward silences!

Texts to Make Him Think About You

160 Cute, Sweet & Romantic Texts to Send a Guy & Make Him Think of You!

If you want to send romantic texts to a guy but can’t find the right words, don’t fret! Here’s everything you need to do to send the perfect message to him.

Signs a Guy Wants to Date You and He Likes You

27 Sure Signs a Guy Wants to Date You & Red Flags to Watch if He’s Unsure

People claim men are simple creatures, but they can be just as complicated as anyone. He won’t always say it, so here are the signs he wants to date you.

nerdy guy

Nerdy Guy: 48 Signs He’s Into You & Secrets to Date and Get Him to Like You

Nerdy guys are now the new hotties in the dating world. Here’s why you should date one, how to catch his eyes, and signs you already did.

strong silent type man

Strong Silent Type: Why Women Love This Man And How to Hook One

The strong silent type can be a mystery, but there’s no denying they’re also pretty alluring too! So, why do we gravitate toward this type of guy?

topics and things to talk about with your boyfriend

38 Heartwarming Topics & Things to Talk About With Your Boyfriend to Feel Closer

There are many things to talk about with your boyfriend, but your mind might go blank! Remember these topics and your conversations will never run dry.

treated like one of the guys

25 Signs & Reasons You’re Treated Like One of the Guys & Ways to Fix It ASAP

You have your crush in your sights, but through your videogame marathons and beer binges, he still treats you like a bro. What’s a girl to do?

dating a divorced man

20 Great Reasons to Date a Divorced Man, Types & the Ex-Wife Must-Knows!

As divorce rates rise, so does the chance you’ll come across a divorced man in your dating pool. Are you ready to take the chance? Here’s all you need to know.



Emotionally Unavailable Man: 52 Signs, Causes & Ways to Make Him Love You

Do you think that you might be with an emotionally unavailable man? Are you confused? If you need to know for sure, here are the signs to look for. 


Does He Love Me? 86 Warm Signs He’s Past Like & Seriously in Love With You

If you’re wondering, does he love me, then you want to know for sure. But how? There are some very clear signs that he is—and isn’t—in love with you.
