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How to Speak Clearly: 30 Secrets, the Psychology & Hacks to Master It

Are you afraid to give speeches? Speaking in public is a very common fear. But if you learn how to speak clearly, then it will make you more confident.

We Accept the Love We Think We Deserve: 28 Whys & Fixes to Change It

To get love, you must open yourself to it. We accept the love we think we deserve. It’s up to you to accept it.

how to deal with haters

34 Secrets to Calmly Deal with Haters, Rid their Negativity & Keep Your Zen!

Learning how to deal with haters without driving yourself crazy will free you from negativity and cruelty in your life. Remember—they’re only jealous!

why is everybody so mean to me

Why Is Everybody So Mean to Me? 45 Theories, Truths & Secrets to Deal with It

Ever wondered, ‘Why is everybody so mean to me?’ Uncover the reasons behind their behavior and learn how to respond with strength!

dark empath

Dark Empath: What It Means, 45 Signs & Reasons We’re Drawn to Them

Ever heard of the dark empath? Here’s what it means to be one, the subtle signs and also, the biggest reasons why everyone’s so attracted to them.

high self-esteem self worth and low self esteem

High Self-Esteem: 33 Low Signs, What Hurts Self-Worth & Secrets to Pump It

It’s normal to feel down once in a while, but constant negativity isn’t healthy. Use these tips to have high self-esteem and feel better about yourself.

dating after divorce

Dating After Divorce: 46 Must-Knows, Signs & Boundaries to Do It Right

Dating after divorce can be confusing. But just because your marriage is over doesn’t mean that there isn’t the perfect person for you out there.

fake friends

Fake Friends: 26 Signs to Tell Apart People Who are Fake from the Good Ones

It’s hard when you realize someone you thought was your friend turns out to be a fake one. So, it’s important to spot the signs of friends who are fake. 

asexual meaning signs

29 Signs You’re Asexual, What It Means & Must-Knows to Be in a Relationship

When it comes to asexuality, there are a lot of misconceptions about what it is. We’re here to clear them up and give insight into the world of an asexual.

repressed anger and how to release anger

Repressed Anger: 22 Healing Ways to Release Anger & Focus on the Positives

Anger is a natural human emotion. We all feel it from time to time, but we all need to know how to release anger in a healthy way. So, here’s how to do it.

taken advantage of

28 Signs You’re Being Taken Advantage Of By People & Secrets to Break Out

We all think we are nice people who do nice things. But when people take advantage of our caring and patience, what can we do? And how do we recognize it?

how to tell if someone wants to hurt you

29 Red Flags to Tell if Someone Wants to Hurt You & Harm You Emotionally!

Unfortunately, some people have bad intentions. Here is how to tell if someone wants to hurt you, so you can them avoid like the plague!



Fake Friends: 26 Signs to Tell Apart People Who are Fake from the Good Ones

It’s hard when you realize someone you thought was your friend turns out to be a fake one. So, it’s important to spot the signs of friends who are fake. 


How Long Do Condoms Last? 23 Tips & Mistakes That Make Them Expire Fast!

Do condoms expire? Can you use an expired condom? Here are all the answers to how long condoms last, their shelf life, and the common mistakes we make.


55 Secrets & Self-Love Habits to Build Confidence and Realize Your Worth

Confidence will improve your life in every single area. But learning how to be confident can sometimes be a challenge. Time and effort will get you there.


Fearful-Avoidant Attachment Style: What It Is, 39 Signs & How to Deal with It

All people need to have emotional connections with other human beings. But for people with the fearful avoidant attachment style, it’s much more difficult.


34 Secrets to Make Someone Like You & Draw Anyone In the First Few Minutes

Do you have a crush and you’re desperate for them to feel the same? Learn how to get someone to like you and you’re halfway there!


27 Secrets to Focus on Yourself, Grow as a Person & Create Your Own Sunshine

Do you feel like you’re losing your identity? Here’s how to focus on yourself and find your own sunshine when you feel like you’re losing yourself.


YOLO: What It Means & 23 Secrets to Live Life Like You Only Live Once

What’s the meaning of YOLO? Find out the true meaning of YOLO, and learn how to live like You Only Live Once.


Heteroflexible: What It Is, Why It Isn’t Bisexual & the Truth about Attraction

You might know all about bisexuals, homosexuals, and even asexuals, but heteroflexible is one sexuality you might know nothing about—but should.


13 Common Birth Control Methods, 25 Pros, Cons & Ways to Pick the Best One

No one wants to have an unwanted pregnancy, so that’s why you need to know all about birth control. Here is your go-to guide to make you feel safe.


Being Taken For Granted? 71 BIG Signs, Why It Happens & Ways to Stop Them

Do you feel like you’re being taken for granted? Learn the reasons why and make some key changes in your life. Nobody deserves to feel this way.
