Reads for Men

Home > Reads for Men > Guy Talk
65 Open-Ended, Deep Questions to Ask a Girl & Get Her to Seriously Open Up

Want to get a girl to open up? You’ll need to ask the right open-ended questions to get her talking. Let’s dive into deep, serious questions to ask a girl.

What is a Chode? Why PUAs Hate Them But Women Prefer Dating These Guys

So, you’ve heard the word and thought to yourself, ‘exactly what is a chode?’ Don’t worry… you’re about to find out.

how to buy condoms

How to Buy Condoms: 32 Secrets to be a Condom Know-It-All Before Using One

Condoms are important for a healthy sex life. But buying the right ones can be hard. Here’s everything you need to know about buying condoms!

Meeting your girlfriends parents

Meeting Your Girlfriend’s Parents: 34 Must-Knows to Impress Her Family

Meeting your girlfriend’s parents for the first time can be daunting. Follow these 34 tips to make the best first impression.

dirty questions to ask a girl

20 Subtle, Arousing Questions to Ask a Girl & Make Her Really Wet in 15 Mins!

Want to seduce her subtly and make her horny and wet? Try these dirty questions to ask a girl, and you’ll be surprised just how powerful they can be.

signs of a cheating wife

31 Sly Signs of a Cheating Wife, Why She Cheated & Ways to Confront Her

Most people think that men are more likely to cheat than women. But women also cheat on their husbands. Here are the signs of a cheating wife.

Manly Drinks

The 35 Best Manly Drinks, What Makes Them Masculine & Must-Know Secrets

Looking for something manly to order at the bar? Check out this essential list of manly drinks, and learn what makes them so masculine.

Simping - What Is a Simp

What Is a Simp? 28 Signs You’re Simping & How To Not Be One… EVER!

There are many terms floating around these days but you may not know what they mean. For instance, what is simping and how can you avoid being a simp?

how to get over an ex-girlfriend

38 Real Ways to Get Over an Ex-Girlfriend You Can’t Stop Thinking About

You’re heartbroken over your breakup, and so you want to know how to get over your ex-girlfriend. You can move on and be happy with these tips.

why do women cheat

71 Reasons Why Women Cheat in Relationships & How to Read Her Mind

If you suspect your partner of infidelity, then you are probably wondering about the common reasons why women cheat. Here’s everything you need to know.

qualities of a good man

The 41 Best Qualities of a Good Man that Sets Him Apart From Lesser Men

The qualities of a good man vary according to personal opinion, but there are some things you MUST look for in a man to ensure he’s a cut above the rest.


Gynophobia: The Fear of Women, Why Some Men Feel It & How to Get Over It

If you seem overly fearful and anxious around women, then you might have gynophobia – the fear of women. Here is everything you need to know.



What Is a Simp? 28 Signs You’re Simping & How To Not Be One… EVER!

There are many terms floating around these days but you may not know what they mean. For instance, what is simping and how can you avoid being a simp?


The 41 Best Qualities of a Good Man that Sets Him Apart From Lesser Men

The qualities of a good man vary according to personal opinion, but there are some things you MUST look for in a man to ensure he’s a cut above the rest.


31 Sly Signs of a Cheating Wife, Why She Cheated & Ways to Confront Her

Most people think that men are more likely to cheat than women. But women also cheat on their husbands. Here are the signs of a cheating wife.


71 Reasons Why Women Cheat in Relationships & How to Read Her Mind

If you suspect your partner of infidelity, then you are probably wondering about the common reasons why women cheat. Here’s everything you need to know.
