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25 Smooth Signs You’re a Good Kisser, the Psychology & Big Mistakes to Avoid

Ever wondered about the signs of a good kisser? Here’s what makes one, the psychology behind a perfect kiss, and the big mistakes to watch out!

56 Totally Believable Hickey Excuses to Hide Yet Flaunt that Love Bite in Style!

Got a hickey that’s too visible for comfort? No sweat! Check out our list of the most convincing hickey excuses & tips on how to deliver them like a pro.

how to confess to cheating - should you

How to Confess to Cheating: Should You? The Must-Knows & Steps to Do It

You’ve made a mistake—a big one—and it’s weighing heavily on your conscious. You want to confess to your partner that you cheated on them. But should you?

snooping in a relationship

Snooping in a Relationship: What It Is, Why We Snoop & How to Get Through It

Are you always snooping in a relationship? Here’s why you’re feeling insecure about your partner, and why it’s so hard to stop.

is flirting cheating in a relationship

Is Flirting Cheating In a Relationship? 30 Must-Knows to Decode Your Gray Area

Have you ever wondered if flirting is cheating when you’re in a relationship? Here are some guidelines and how to define it in your own partnership.

loving someone too much

24 Signs You’re Loving Someone Too Much & Why Being Madly In Love Is Bad

Yes, there is such a thing as loving too much. So, when is being madly in love too much and how can you balance a healthy relationship? Here’s how.

bored in a relationship

Bored in a Relationship: 78 Signs, Reasons & Ways to Make It Fun ASAP

Do you think that your relationship has turned boring? If so, don’t worry. Just figure out why, and then you can take the steps to make it exciting again.

wedding fever

Wedding Fever: What It Is & 25 Signs You Can’t Stop Thinking About It

Obsessing over your wedding even before your partner has proposed? Check out these 25 signs you have wedding fever, and use these ways to get over it!

Prude prudish

Being a Prude: What It Means & 21 Signs You’re Prudish & Modest to a Fault

Are you maybe a little extra when it comes to being modest? Do you blush at the mere mention of sex? Read these other signs to know if you’re a prude!

How do lesbians have sex - lesbian sex positions

Lesbian Sex: 23 Positions, Girl-On-Girl Sex Secrets, Myths & Other Must-Knows

Have you ever wondered how do lesbians have sex? You’re not alone! Learn the facts and separate them from the many myths floating around.

crush on a coworker

Coworker Crush: Why We Fall for Colleagues & How to Pursue It or Drop It

We develop crushes all the time. Sometimes, they’re on the people we work with. Learn how to deal with a crush on a coworker so you can do the right thing.

Orgasmic Meditation

Orgasmic Meditation: What It Is, How It Works, Steps to Try It & the Benefits

If you’ve never heard of orgasmic meditation, sit down and buckle up. You’re about to learn everything about it from where it came from to how it’s done.

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30 Secrets & Medical Tips to Hide or Get Rid of a Hickey Fast & Cover It ASAP

Love bites are painfully sexy, but covering it up or hiding it? That’s the purely painful part! Now you just need to get rid of a hickey with these tips!


59 Tongue Kissing Secrets to French Kiss & Make Anyone Melt with Your Lips

Kissing is fun, and French kissing is even better! If you want to learn how to French kiss, here’s how to perfect your smooch and leave them wanting more.


30 Subtle Ways to Get Out of the Friend Zone & Make Yourself VERY Desirable

Have you been thrown into the friend zone? Don’t worry! You can learn how to get out of the friend zone and look forward to a potentially romantic future.


29 Wild & Sexy Drinking Games for Couples or Friends at a House Party

If you’re looking for the best drinking games to give your night a boost of sexy fun, look no further. Shed your inhibitions and get right down to it!


Bored in a Relationship: 78 Signs, Reasons & Ways to Make It Fun ASAP

Do you think that your relationship has turned boring? If so, don’t worry. Just figure out why, and then you can take the steps to make it exciting again.


47 Sweet Ways to Tell Someone You Love Them With Your Words & Actions

Wondering how to tell someone you love them for the first time? Ponder carefully because this is a moment they’ll remember for a long time to come.
