Dr. Carol Morgan has a Ph.D. in communication and is a professor at Wright State University where she loves corrupting young minds. As a relationship and success expert, she also tries to imitate Oprah during her regular appearances on the TV show, Living Dayton. Although not a world-famous author or speaker yet, she’s working on it. Meanwhile, she's still building her online audience which is kind of working since her articles have been shared on social media well over a million times.

Latest Features by Dr. Carol Morgan

how to fix a marriage and repair it

25 Secrets, Signs & Steps to Repair and Fix a Marriage that’s Falling Apart ASAP

Learning how to fix a marriage isn’t easy, but with commitment and the right strategies, it’s possible to repair and strengthen your bond.

Carol Morgan LP by Dr. Carol Morgan
relationship FOMO Dating

Relationship FOMO: 56 Truths, Signs & Effects of Dating Someone with FOMO

Do you feel like you might have relationship FOMO? Or maybe you think that your partner has it. Either way, here’s what you can do to combat it.

Carol Morgan LP by Dr. Carol Morgan
dating in your 20s

Dating in Your 20s: 36 Must-Knows About What It’s Like & the BIG Problems!

You’re no longer a kid, so finding a partner is a bit more difficult. So, if you find dating in your 20s difficult, you can make it easier for yourself.

Carol Morgan LP by Dr. Carol Morgan
ways you're pushing her away

30 Silly, Accidental Ways You’re Pushing Her Away & Secrets to Keep Her Close

Is she acting distant lately? If she is, it could be because you are pushing her away without realizing it. Here are all of the signs you need to know.

Carol Morgan LP by Dr. Carol Morgan
how to speak clearly

How to Speak Clearly: 30 Secrets, the Psychology & Hacks to Master It

Are you afraid to give speeches? Speaking in public is a very common fear. But if you learn how to speak clearly, then it will make you more confident.

Carol Morgan LP by Dr. Carol Morgan
ready to have a baby

Ready to Have a Baby? 49 Questions, Signs & Steps to Know You’re Prepared!

Do you feel like you’re ready to have a baby? Starting a family is a big decision because parenthood isn’t easy. Here are some things to consider.

Carol Morgan LP by Dr. Carol Morgan
what does eye contact mean to a guy

What Does Eye Contact Mean to a Guy? 37 Signs & Secrets to Read His Mind

What does eye contact mean to a guy? It’s not always easy to know. So, if you’re trying to decode his messages, here is a guide for you to figure it out.

Carol Morgan LP by Dr. Carol Morgan
tired of your relationship

Tired of Your Relationship? 30 Relationship Burnout Signs & Quick Fixes

Are you tired of your relationship? There may be many reasons for a relationship burnout, but there are fixes as well. Here are the top steps to follow.

Carol Morgan LP by Dr. Carol Morgan
super empath

Super Empath: What It Means, 40 Signs, Causes & Must-Knows to Read One

Do you sense emotions intensely, often mirroring others’ feelings? You might be navigating the deep waters of being a super empath.

Carol Morgan LP by Dr. Carol Morgan
sex is never just sex

Just Sex: Why We Crave It & 26 Truths Why Sex Can Never Really Be Just Sex

For those of you who use the excuse that it’s just sex, you can no longer justify yourself that way. This is why sex can never fully be just a physical act.

Carol Morgan LP by Dr. Carol Morgan