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How to Squirt: 22 Squirting Orgasm Secrets to Make Yourself Or a Girl Squirt

If you want to learn how to squirt, we have all the information you need and want to know. Get ready for your earth-shattering orgasm! 

How to Squirt Make Yourself Or a Girl Squirt

Sure, learning how to make yourself squirt or actually experience a squirting orgasm can seem confusing.

Yes, it can be a little messy too. But the feeling of an extremely wet pussy is every man’s wet dream!

If your man can see you squirting, you can bet his jaws will hit the floor with awe. And chances are, so would yours!

Is it a rarity in the sex world? Yes. Is it hard to do? No, not with a bit of practice.

You’ve obviously heard of squirting, but you probably don’t know many women that can actually squirt.

Well, it’s no myth. In fact, the art of squirting is very real. And if you’re one of those people who want to know how to make yourself squirt, then you can definitely teach yourself to read the sensations and experience it time and again!

In the feature, we’ll discuss every single thing you need to know to make yourself squirt and the step-by-step guide to take you there.

Sit back, get your fingers busy, and prepare to blow your own mind with a huge squirting load of pleasure the next time you orgasm. [Read: Amazing types of orgasms all women can experience in bed]

First things first – what is female ejaculation?

The female ejaculate is a spurt of liquid that is expelled from a woman’s urethra when a woman orgasms.

Usually, when a woman ejaculates, it’s less than 5ml of fluid. To get a fair idea of how much fluid that is, that’s almost exactly the same as a man’s cum when he ejaculates.

So the women on TV who seem to be squirting an entire pint of beer? Ah, well, maybe it is the beer they drank before the camera started rolling! [Read: 16 sex tips for women to make having sex so much more pleasurable and fun]

So what is squirting?

Squirting is caused by intense stimulation of the G-spot. The liquid, which is usually clear, comes out of the urethra. Despite the popular myth – it is not pee. [Read: 25 common porn myths that people still believe]

Even today, many doctors believe that it is urine, and some even recommend surgery for women who experience female ejaculation. This is totally wrong. 

While science is unsure about where the liquid comes from, it sure doesn’t come from the bladder and it sure isn’t pee. The most likely source of the liquid is a set of ducts, known as Skene’s glands. [Read: Debunking the myths on female ejaculation and everything else you need to know]

All you need to know is that causing a woman to squirt is safe and the liquid is harmless. There’s absolutely nothing about it that’s any more “disgusting” than sex.

It’s a totally normal bodily function that just happens to produce insanely great orgasms. Oh, and it’s much easier to clean up after than when men ejaculate.

Can you tell the difference between female ejaculate and pee?

You know what pee smells like *and ahem, tastes like… right?*

When a girl squirts, the female ejaculate looks like watered-down milk, tastes sweet, and smells nothing like urine. It doesn’t always squirt out though, sometimes it just trickles down, so it’s easy to confuse it with pee.

The taste test is usually a great way to know for sure if it’s pee or ejaculate. [Read: 16 most important secrets to eat a girl out and make her scream]

If your man’s going down on you as you ejaculate or squirt on his face, chances are, he’ll immediately be able to tell the difference.

Squirting, on the other hand, is a bit of a controversy in itself, because only some women seem to have mastered it, while most others have no idea if it’s even real.

You’ve watched porn. Is that girl really squirting a jet of fluid all the way to the foot of the bed? Or is she really peeing? Can you even tell the difference? [Read: Queefs and more – 19 embarrassing things that can happen during sex to all of us]

How is this squirt produced?

As we said before, female ejaculate comes from a place called the Skene’s glands. Everyone’s heard of that. But what is the Skene’s gland really?

Let’s talk about your pee pipe, the urethra, for a second here. Along the left and right inner sides of your pee pipe are two little openings on either side, and these openings are called the Skene’s glands. 

Using a mirror, part your labia with your fingers, and if you really take a good look, you’d be able to see two tiny holes in the front wall or the entrance to the “hole.”

If you want to know way more about the actual parts of a vagina, try this guide on what makes a pussy pretty and 22 ways to make your vagina way more attractive looking!

FYI – Here’s how you get wet down there

The Skene’s glands are also called the female prostate glands, but it’s not very similar to the prostate glands found in men. So, what do they do?

There are two primary jobs of the Skene’s glands – to produce antimicrobial fluids to prevent UTIs down there. And secondly, to lubricate you when you get wet.

So, if you’re wondering how you actually get wet when you’re horny, you have the Skene’s glands to thank for that.

Oh, along with the Bartholin’s glands too, in case you want to be right in your next argument with someone about how you get wet! [Read: The physical signs of female arousal and 20 ways to recognize a girl who’s horny]

The Bartholin’s glands produce a slick, transparent fluid, while the Skene’s glands produce a milky fluid, and together, they let you or anyone else know you’re wet or cumming.

Is squirting the same as female ejaculation?

Before you get to the steps to make yourself squirt, we need to clear this confusion up. Here’s the part where you need to know the difference between squirting, and female ejaculation.

As we now know, the female ejaculate is just about a teaspoon of fluid. But every time we talk about squirting, we talk about a force that’s strong enough to batter the walls. So, what’s that about? [Read: A man’s guide to increasing semen volume the natural way]

Honestly, your Skene’s glands CANNOT produce a glassful *or even a cupful* of ejaculate in one go. 

It’s just not possible, just like a man can’t produce a bucketful of cum from his tiny balls in one go, no matter how hard he tries.

So what is the squirting fluid then?

The funny part about the sexy squirt is that no one really knows for sure where it comes from or how it even happens. Nope, not even science can give this fluid the right name. [Read: Peeing after sex and other confusing myths about the vagina]

Here’s how the scientific conversation would go:

Is it pee? *Umm… don’t think so*

Is it female ejaculate? *can’t be, women can’t ejaculate more than a spoonful*

So what is it then?

A group of doctors, including Dr. Samuel Salama MD and several other doctors, set out to find out what exactly is the squirting fluid. 

They used pelvic ultrasound scans on many women who knew how to make themselves squirt and were able to squirt regularly and frequently at will.

To spare you the technical details, the women were asked to pee before sexual stimulation and completely empty their bladders and tested using an ultrasound scan to prove their bladders were completely empty and held no pee. 

The scans were repeated again while the women were being stimulated, and just after they squirted during orgasm. [Read: How to finger yourself – a full guide and the moves to bring yourself to cum to ecstasy]

So, what did they find out? Surprisingly, even though all the women had peed already, their bladders started getting filled again immediately as they started getting aroused! 

And as soon as they climaxed and had an orgasm after making themselves squirt, their bladders were empty again!

On testing the substances in the squirted fluid, they found that it was an involuntary expulsion of pee, along with the female ejaculate in it. [Read: Why do orgasms feel so good? 21 ways and the best ways to make it better]

So, what makes up the fluid you squirt out when you orgasm? Lots of “pee” and a tiny bit of female ejaculate! Yup, that’s what it is. 

Lots of fresh, watered-down pee, which thankfully doesn’t smell musty like stale pee, and a wee bit of ejaculate from your Skene’s glands.

So it’s just pee?!

Honestly, the squirted liquid is clear, and unlike murky pee, it doesn’t smell like pee, and it looks like water. [Read: How to experience the full body orgasm and the highest levels of sexual ecstasy]

But tests on the substances in the squirted fluid had all the ingredients of pee in it. Along with the female ejaculate from the Skene’s glands, of course.

So, if it doesn’t look like pee, and doesn’t smell like pee, is it pee if it comes out of your pee hole all the way from your bladder? That’s the tricky part of squirting. 

The bladder did fill up pretty fast during sexual stimulation, even though it was emptied just before stimulation. So, it IS some kind of “pee” because it did come from your bladder, even if it isn’t really pee. [Read: Embarrassing questions about sex most of us are too shy to ask]

Instead of worrying that it’s all just pee, try to have a good time trying to learn how to make yourself squirt instead!

Now that you’re completely aware of what squirting is, and what causes it, let’s talk about the fun part – how to make yourself squirt!

Squirting orgasms and real squirts – can it really happen?

Women are the only creatures gifted with the ability to experience orgasms at different levels. The most familiar of these is the clitoral orgasm. [Read: How to tingle her g-spot without using a flashlight]

This type of orgasm is easily achievable since the clitoris is located outside the woman’s body and is easily accessible.

Now, the other type of orgasm is more difficult to achieve and is the one tied to squirting. This is the vaginal orgasm. 

This can be achieved by stimulating the G-spot located along the upper wall of the vagina. It can be stimulated through intercourse by contact with the penis or manually by using the fingers. [Read: Goofproof moves to make a girl squirt like she’s peeing]

Vaginal orgasms are described as more powerful and longer-lasting compared to clitoral orgasms. However, achieving this kind of orgasm requires more patience and careful application of technique.

What does squirting feel like?

Here’s where most girls get confused while trying to squirt. Can you remember your very first orgasm? Did you feel a sudden but very powerful urge to pee?

You probably held your sphincters tight to stop yourself from peeing. [Read: Sexy tricks to make yourself squirt like a pornstar]

Now that’s the one thing you shouldn’t do. When you build your orgasm up by edging and taking it nice and slow, you’d feel a strong urge to let go and orgasm. The more powerful your orgasm, the stronger the urge to “pee.”

But what you need to understand is that what you’re feeling is not an urge to pee, but an urge to squirt. You need to remember that you’ve emptied your bladder completely already before beginning your foreplay.

So, this time around, just as you’re about to orgasm, let everything go, and don’t tighten your urethral *pee pipe* sphincters. [Read: How to find and recognize the g-spot without using a flashlight]

If you feel the urge to pee as you orgasm, just let it happen. And before you know it, you’ll be squirting exactly like the way girls do it in porn movies!

Note: Just a word of caution here, don’t try peeing before you orgasm. Then you’d just be peeing! You need to wait until you feel the quiver of orgasm *the muscle spasms* before pushing your pee out.

Once you get this right, you’d feel the best kind of orgasm ever! It’s a release you probably haven’t ever felt yet, and squirting for the first time is the kind of pleasure you didn’t know you could experience! [Read: Goofproof moves to make a girl squirt like she’s peeing]

Is squirting an orgasm?

Some girls may be confused by this, but by now, you probably know it is. If you’re squirting without an orgasm, chances are, you’re just peeing.

Of course, some girls can squirt even before they climax. But for a first-time squirting experience, delay the squirt by squeezing your urethral sphincters until you’re ready to orgasm.

Can you tell if you peed or came?

You really can’t. No one can. But there’s one way that can help here. You have a certain amount of control over pee. But when you squirt, you just can’t stop yourself! [Read: The sex flush and the real reasons why your body and face turn red when you have sex]

It just happens, and it’s almost involuntary when you’re relaxed.

If you want to know how to make yourself squirt and have a squirting orgasm, you need to relax your sphincters as you orgasm. That sudden urge to pee you get when you orgasm? That’s literally your body waiting to squirt it out!

So, if you don’t hold yourself back and just let go as you orgasm, it will transform itself into a squirting orgasm. [Read: 30 hot ways to spice up your sex life]

Can all girls squirt? The science behind it

You should definitely give it a solid try, but you may not be able to get it right the first few times. Sure, you may be totally relaxed and have everything ready to go, but your body simply doesn’t work like that.

No evidence proves all women squirt, or can squirt. But all women have a pelvic floor and the Skene’s glands, so by logic, all women should be able to squirt with a bit of practice.

Some of you may be able to do it on the first try, others after months of practice, and for some not at all. But that doesn’t mean anything is wrong with you. [Read: 18 tips to make her crave for more]

It’s simply that our bodies are all designed differently.

Several scientific studies have found that the stronger your pelvic floor *do your Kegels!*, the higher the chance of you squirting like a fireman’s hose! 

So, if you do want to up your chances of making yourself squirt and experience a real squirting orgasm, flex those pelvic floor muscles until they’re as strong as they can get. [Read: Kegel exercises – why both men and women should do it]

How to squirt – tips for women

Okay, now that you’re ready to give squirting a try and experience your first-time squirt, here are a few steps that can help you along the way. Give them a try the next time you’ve got some time on your hands.

1. Pee before trying to squirt

If you worry that you’re going to pee instead of squirt on your first try, then pee before squirting.

Empty your bladder completely, so that way, when you feel that “I need to pee” feeling, you know that it’s not because you actually have to pee. Usually, this is the feeling we have when close to an orgasm. [Read: How to give her oral sex like a pro]

2. Arousal is mental

Sex is completely mental for women. Men don’t necessarily have to be in the mood to have an erection, but women have to be relaxed to get wet. You need to mentally relax before trying to squirt.

Don’t pressure yourself. Rather, see it as an experiment. If you find yourself becoming frustrated, stop. You won’t be able to do it if you become upset. [Read: How to relax during sex – free your mind and enjoy your orgasms]

3. Get comfortable

If your partner stands next to you while you try, but you can’t relax when they’re there, get them to leave.

You need to be completely comfortable because you need an environment that allows you to relax and give you time to explore yourself. So, whatever you need to make yourself comfortable, do it.

4. You’re going to need to get aroused

Well, this one is an obvious point, but you need to remember this. You need to be highly sexually aroused in order to squirt. There is no way you’ll be able to do it if you’re dry. [Read: Geisha balls and how they can be used to strengthen your pelvic floor

So, get yourself in the mood. Watch porn, read something erotic, use a sex toy, fantasize, and touch yourself. Whatever turns you on, do it.

5. Try a variety of techniques

There are so many different ways to touch yourself and make yourself squirt.

The way that works for one person may not work for you. Try various techniques until you find the one that works. [Read: How to make yourself horny and wet – the 25 best ways to get there fast]

Then again, you may not be able to squirt at that moment, but you never know until you try.

6. Know your G-Spot

If you want to try to make yourself squirt, you have to know where your G-Spot is, as it’s very important when squirting. To find your G-Spot, look for it when aroused, as it swells during that time so it’s easier to find.

You’ll feel a spongy area that’s ribbed when you touch it as you slip your finger into your vagina. That’s the G-Spot. Think of the roof of your mouth. It feels like that, only much softer and squishier. [Read: How to find your G-spot without using a flashlight]

7. Edging

Try to prolong your heightened state of arousal for as long as possible. Each time you come close to climaxing, stop moving your fingers and control your breathing, so the building orgasm starts simmering down again. 

Every time you build up your orgasm only to stop yourself just before you cum, you’re setting yourself up for a more powerful orgasm the next time.

Keep edging until you just can’t hold on anymore, so the orgasm you feel is literally the most powerful one you could experience at that moment! 

The biggest the orgasm, the better the chances of you squirting! Use this guide on the step of edging and learn how to orgasm harder and better than ever.

How to make a girl squirt – tips for men

Now, we can’t save all the tips for the ladies. So, here are the tips for guys to help their partner squirt.

1. Be prepared

We discussed that getting a girl to squirt can be a long, complicated process that requires a lot of patience and manual dexterity.

In order to achieve your goal without interruptions, it is best to prepare beforehand before diving right in. [Read: Untold sex secrets every couple needs to know]

-Have a towel nearby

Squirting can be powerful and messy when it happens. Just be prepared when she lets it flow. Place a towel just below her hips to catch the fluids and keep her at ease about messing up your bed sheet.

-Prepare lots of lubricants

The process of making her squirt can take some time and her vagina may not be able to lubricate your hand adequately. So, in case she dries out, have some backup lube prepared when this happens.

-Trim your fingernails

Your foreplay may end badly in so many ways. One is if you get overly vigorous and scratch her insides with your untrimmed fingernails. Not only is this a mood killer but may also require a trip to the hospital. Avoid the hassle and trim your fingernails! [Read: All the techniques you need to know to finger a girl and make her orgasm]

2. Make her relaxed and comfortable

If you’re trying to figure out how to squirt during sex, the ideal position when attempting to make a girl squirt is to make her lie down on her back. 

This position is stable and allows her to relax for the long fight ahead. It also allows you to cuddle up near her for more intimate and romantic foreplay where you have easy access to her lips, nipples, and torso. [Read: Cunnilingus pro – 16 ways to use your tongue and blow her mind]

The more relaxed and fuzzy she feels, the easier it will be for her to respond to stimulation and squirt.

3. Get her in the mood with good foreplay

Don’t just stab your fingers in! You need to get her in the proper mood first. Tease her, caress her, and talk dirty to her. 

Then, slide your fingers in gently and look for the G-spot. [Read: 17 foreplay moves to get your girl incredibly horny]

When you put your fingers in her vagina, don’t make it seem like an inanimate probe that she gets during her OB check-ups. Gently caress her insides and slowly massage the upper wall of her vagina.

Once there you’ll feel a slight bump with ridges similar to the roof of your mouth. That’s the place you’re looking for. Caress it with two fingers doing a “come hither” motion.

Make her beg for your hand inside her. If she’s so wet and horny from good foreplay, it increases the likelihood of getting her to squirt. [Read: Signs of female arousal to recognize the horny girl mode]

4. Maintain a rhythm and watch how she reacts

You cannot make your girl squirt if you just stick to one kind of hand movement. You need to get a feel for her G-spot and watch her reaction at the same time.

If she squirms out of your fingers, it may be a sign that she’s uncomfortable or that what you’re doing isn’t working at all. 

If this happens, alter your approach. You’ll know that you’re doing it well if she stays still and moans contentedly. [Read: Exotic sex – 16 hot, hot, hot sex positions you need to try out]

5. Priming the pump

At this point, she should be fully aroused and building up toward orgasm. Put a pillow under her hips so her pelvis is raised, and kneel next to her. Right-handed guys should be on her right. 

No matter how wet she is, it’s a good idea at this point to bring in a lot of high-quality lube. If you’ll be having sex after with a condom, it must be water-based. Fully lubricate her clitoris, the palm of your hand, and your middle and ring fingers.

She’ll need to spread her legs fairly wide which can make women feel vulnerable. Add to that feeling the fact that she’s trying to squirt, and she may be feeling very uncomfortable. [Read: Hot sex from behind – 16 mind-blowing ways to do it right]

Constantly reassure her by telling her how hot she looks, and how excited you are to make her squirt. Gently push your two fingers inside her. Your pinky and index finger will point down along her thighs toward her butt cheeks.

There are two ways to know if she’s going to squirt. One is if she arches her back and her insides begin to spasm. The other is if she tells you.

Once near orgasm, keep your rhythm until she finally lets it flow. And once she begins to squirt, stop all finger motions and let the orgasm flow through her body. [Read: Main types of sex and 23 ways to make intercourse more fun and hot]

Enjoy watching her shiver and worry about the mess on your hands later.

6. The home stretch

Remember that all women are different. You could have her squirting in under a minute, or it could be an hour. 

Be patient. Curl the two fingers that you have inside her up until they are pressed against the front upper wall of her vagina, just below her G-spot. [Read: Hot tub sex – 20 romantic, sizzling ideas and ways to have sex in the tub]

Press your lubed-up palm against her clitoris, and start pulling and pushing your whole hand up and down.

By doing this, you will have two fingers rubbing back and forth across her G-spot, and the palm of your hand stimulating her clitoris. Your whole hand moves, even the two fingers you have outside will rub up and down her thighs. 

You should do this quite quickly, with two to three up-down cycles per second. Don’t be rough, and make sure she’s not in pain, but this should not be uncomfortable for her if you’re doing it right. [Read: Outdoor sex – 24 best, hottest places and ways to make it less risky]

As you do this, you’ll bring her pleasure level steadily up. She may writhe and squirm, as the intensity becomes almost too much. 

Use your free hand to push down somewhat firmly on her pubic bone, just above the hand that’s working. This will also help to push out the water when the time comes.

7. Fountain of joy

When she is just at the point of climax, you should feel her G-spot push out, almost like a bubble is forming under your fingers. When this happens, pull your fingers out. [Read: Sexual foreplay – 26 lusty secrets to do it well and make them hot and horny]

It may be better if you keep stimulating her clitoris, or it may be too intense, it just depends on the woman. If all goes well when you remove your fingers she will squirt, either just a little or even quite a lot. 

It may also just trickle and pool under her. Keep some towels around just in case. She should also have an intense full-body orgasm that can leave her writhing in ecstasy.

Just before she’s ready to squirt, a woman will feel a sensation like she has to pee. Don’t worry, it’s not pee. [Read: 20 hot, sizzling ways to spice up your sex life and leave you horny 24/7]

It’s believed that women often or even always squirt when they have G-spot orgasms, but that they clench up and force the liquid up into the bladder instead of out through the urethra. 

To get the full squirting orgasm experience, a woman needs to push out with her pelvic floor muscles. It will feel like she is going to pee, but she has to trust her body. 

Once she can do it, she’ll know. The feeling is totally different from peeing. [Read: Sweaty sex – 18 reasons it’s so dripping hot and the best times to have it!]

8. Troubleshooting 

It’s entirely possible, even likely, that this won’t work the first time you try it. It takes both partners doing it just right to work. 

Some women may simply not be able to, but for the potential payoff, it’s surely worth trying. Women can increase the likelihood that they’ll squirt by doing Kegel exercises. 

If it doesn’t work the first time, try again. Even without ejaculation, it should still give her an orgasm that’s out of this world. [Read: 20 naughty, sexy date night ideas to make love feel hot and steamy again]

How do girls squirt? The most common techniques that can work

Now that you know how to make yourself squirt, are there any techniques you can use to squirt better? Yes, there are. And we’ll talk about all of them here.

What you need to remember is to stimulate yourself well. You know what works best for you, so if these squirting techniques just don’t cut it, you do you. 

Just remember to edge yourself and build the orgasm up. Once you get the hang of it, it’ll only get easier with each new try. [Read: How to hump your pillow and give yourself a head start to squirting]

Learning how to make yourself squirt is the same as learning to bring yourself to orgasm.

You didn’t know how to do it the first time around. But over time, you know the exact pleasure spots in your body and all the right things to do. 

Here are a few squirting techniques you can try, and all of them focus on your G-spot. [Read: Female masturbation tips for guaranteed orgasmic bliss]

1. The Hook

If you’re alone, this is a great technique to try out with your hands. You need to lie down on your back and have the palm of your hand facing your stomach with two fingers in your vagina. Try using the middle and ring finger.

Your pinky and index finger will be on both sides of the vagina, pointing toward your ass. Then you simply find your G-Spot and massage it, and your fingers will have a hook-like position.

2. The Come-Hither technique

This is one of the best techniques to use for squirting. With your middle finger, you run your finger back and forth across your G-Spot. Test out the amount of pressure that works for you as everyone’s different. [Read: How to finger a girl to orgasms – easy techniques that work]

3. The Arm Shaker

This one is a bit complex, and you need some arm strength. Keep your fingers pressed on your G-Spot *make sure you find the right amount of pressure that stimulates it.* 

Then, you’re going to use your entire arm, and this is when working out comes in handy. Keep your arm stiff, and then shake it up and down very quickly.

Do it right, and this one should definitely help you squirt a stream out!

4. You can try it out with a sex toy

If you’d rather try to squirt with a sex toy, that also works. You can use a dildo or a vibrator to do the same techniques that you would with your hand. [Read: How to use a dildo correctly and give yourself the perfect happy ending]

There’s no actual set way to make yourself squirt, so test out all your options.

5. Let your partner try to make you squirt

Sometimes, two hands are better than one. If you don’t enjoy self-pleasuring, lie back in bed with your legs spread and let your man get to work.

There’s no tried and tested method here. What works for someone else may not work for you. If your partner really wants to help you, then let them give it a try.

The Fingering Squirt vs. Penetration Squirt

Is one better than the other? It depends. [Read: 42 secrets to satisfy a woman in bed and make her wet just thinking of you]

When you’re being penetrated by your man, you have less control in those moments. But you can be more rested and relaxed to actually enjoy the sensation, especially if you’re lying down and he’s on top in the missionary position. 

So, this works if you’re not a regular masturbator, and prefer sex over masturbation.

If you’re someone who’s sexually self-aware and know how to make yourself orgasm using your fingers, the fingering squirt may be your best option. [Read: Shower sex – 18 sexy bathroom secrets to get wet, make love, and not slip]

You can control the movement, the pressure, and the buildup to do everything exactly as you want – it’s all in your control. You may be more tired, but you’ll definitely have more fun!

The squirting mechanism – how does squirting happen?

1. It’s all about G-spot is stimulation

When the G-spot is stimulated manually or during intercourse, nerve signals are also sent through an organ known as the Skene’s gland. 

This organ, or the female prostate, is responsible for secreting ejaculate-life fluids during moments of sexual excitement. [Read: Debunking the myths and shedding light on female ejaculation]

Continued stimulation of the G-spot induces the Skene’s gland to secrete fluids which is part of the ejaculate when a woman squirts.

2. Relaxation of the urethral opening or the “urge to pee” 

One of the myths that perpetuate around squirting is that the expelled fluid is “just pee.” This makes women hesitant to achieve a squirting orgasm. 

While it is true that a part of the fluid expelled is urine, most of the compounds that make up the ejaculate are protein-rich fluids from the female prostate gland. [Read: Intense orgasm checklist – moves to guarantee one all the time]

The reason why traces of pee can be found in the expelled fluid is that both pee and female prostate fluid pass through the same opening allowing them to mix during squirting.

Why can’t I squirt?

If you’ve tried to squirt but can’t, here’s the part where we tell you to relax. All girls have the ability to squirt, but not in the same way. 

Squirting is fun, but that doesn’t mean having an orgasm isn’t good enough!! [Read: How to make a girl cum – a woman’s open and honest confession]

You should never force yourself to squirt because the whole process is almost involuntary and largely dependent on how aroused you are and how easily you can relax your urethral sphincters. 

Perhaps, you’re focused so much on squirting that you’re not really enjoying the process.

If you’ve tried squirting before, use these techniques and steps we’ve given here to make yourself squirt, and it will help you. [Read: How to hit the g-spot and make her squirm with pleasure]

But if even these steps don’t help you, it doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you. You know how it works now.

So, all you need to do is pee before having sex every time and just focus on edging and enjoying your orgasm. All we can suggest is to totally let yourself go and relax when you feel an orgasm coming.

There are a variety of tips and techniques to apply. The trick is the exploration of the woman’s body and introducing different types of stimulation until you get the desired effect. [Read: How to make yourself squirt – tricks to squirt like a porn star]

In addition, no girl squirts on the first try. Couples need continued practice and exploration.

The final tip on making yourself squirt

If there’s one more suggestion we could give you, it’s to push your pelvic muscles like you’re bearing down or force yourself to dribble out the last remnants of your pee, just as you orgasm. This would happen naturally if you’re relaxed.

If you have a boyfriend, ask him how he feels when he ejaculates or the internal push he gives himself as he ejaculates. That’s literally the exact same thing you need to try. [Read: Questions about female sexuality – finally answered!]

You may not squirt today or tomorrow, but one fine day, when you’re just following these steps and enjoying an orgasm, you may see a stream of fluid shooting out of your vagina! 

And when that day does happen, which it will, you’ll know exactly how it feels to squirt while having sex.

[Read: A guide for curious first-timers to learn how to try squirting]

Learning how to squirt during sex *especially during orgasm* can be a challenging feat, but it can be achieved. It takes patience and requires a technique for both partners.

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Vinod Srinivas Serai
Vin Serai
Vin Serai is the founder of LovePanky.com, and has delved deep into the working of love and relationships for almost two decades. Having dipped his feet in almo...